
Vessel can be defined using a .csv file (comma separated values) as the example below. For format see

These files can be edited by a spreadsheet-program such as excel. When saving make sure that the proper format is used. Especially the dutch versions may mess things up because there a comma is used in numbers as well.

General properties:



used for


z [m] of deck

used for placing cargo

Used for calculating wind and current area


z [m] of keel

Typically 0

Used for calculating wind and current area


z [m]

elevation to slice barge to create tank layout. Just 0.5m below the top of the tanks is usually a good idea


z [m]

elevation(s) to slice the visual of the barge for 2d visuals


width of the barge [m]

Drawing the sketch of the deck-layout

Calculating the wind and current area


length of the barge [m]

Drawing the sketch of the deck-layout

Calculating the wind and current area


Cd [-]

Drag coefficient for wind in longitudinal direction


Cd [-]

Drag coefficient for current in longitudinal direction


Cd [-]

Drag coefficient for wind in transverse direction


Cd [-]

Drag coefficient for current in transverse direction

For typical values for Area based, 3D drag coefficients see:


The wind and current areas of barge are calculated from the user-defined draft as well as the general properties of the barge.

The part of the hull below the water-surface in even-keel condition is used as current area:

Ac = draft * width (or length)

The part of the hull above the water-surface in even-keel condition is used as wind area:

Aw = (deck_elevation - keel_elevation - draft) * width (or length)

Wind and current forces apply at the center-line or mid-section of the barge.

Note: The draft used for wind and current is user-defined and is not calculated or updated automatically. This means that actual heel, trim and draft changes of the barge do not change the wind/current areas. For example in stability calculations the wind-area of the barge does not change.

General section#

# This is a test-file for the P41 barge,
# General properties
deck_elevation, 4,  # elevation of the deck relative to the origin. Typically the distance between keel and deck
keel_elevation, 0,  # elevation of the keel relative to the origin. Typically 0
# For creating 2D sketches
# for creation of the tank plan we slice the 3d model as a fixed elevation.
tank_cut_elevation, 3.9, # elevation to slice barge to create tank layout. Just 0.5m below the top of the tanks is usually a good idea
barge_cut_elevations, 2, 3.9, # elevation(s) to slice the visual of the barge for 2d visuals
# For deck layout we just use a rectangle (not a slice becuase we need to have measurements in the sketch)
width, 17.5,        # width of the barge. For sketches of deck-layout
length, 75,         # length of the barge. For sketches of deck-layout
# For wind and current force the following coefficients are used:
Cd_air_long, 1.2
Cd_water_long, 1.2
Cd_air_trans, 1.2
Cd_water_trans, 1.2

Ballast tanks#

Ballast-tanks are Tank nodes. They are automatically included in the ballast-system solver. The total volume of the tank is derived from the geometry. Use permeability to tune the capacity.

# Ballast-tanks are Tank nodes. They are automatically included in the ballast-system solver.
# The total volume of the tank is derived from the geometry. Use permeability to tune the capacity.
# Name, resource, permeability,density,Fill-pct, off-x, off-y, off-z, rot-x, rot-y, rot-z, scale-x, scale-y, scale-z, invert-normals
1C,res: P41/Tanks/1C.obj,1,1,0,0,0,0,90,0,0,1,1,1,false
1PS,res: P41/Tanks/1PS.obj,1,1,0,0,0,0,90,0,0,1,1,1,false
1SB,res: P41/Tanks/1SB.obj,1,1,0,0,0,0,90,0,0,1,1,1,false
2C,res: P41/Tanks/2C.obj,1,1,0,0,0,0,90,0,0,1,1,1,false

Other tanks#

Other tanks are tanks that are not included in the ballast system. The total volume of the tank is derived from the geometry. Use permeability to tune the capacity.

# Other tanks are tanks that are not included in the ballast system.
# The total volume of the tank is derived from the geometry. Use permeability to tune the capacity.
# Name, resource, permeability,density,Fill-pct, off-x, off-y, off-z, rot-x, rot-y, rot-z, scale-x, scale-y, scale-z, invert-normals
DieselTank,res: cylinder 1x1x1.obj,1,0.85,70,70,5,4,0,0,0,3,3,3,false


These are the bollards. Capacity [kN] is added as limit to the nodes. A negative capacity means no limit.

# name,Pos-x,Pos-y,Pos-z,capacity,capcity-x, capcity-y
ps7,70, 10,4,80,-1,-1

Draft measurement points#

define locations at which the draft is measured and reported.

# Define points at keel elevation. Draft is then the current depth of these points
# name, pos-x, pos-y, pos-z
ps_bow, 0, -9, 0
sb_bow, 0, 9, 0
ps_stern, 39, -9, 0
sb_stern, 39, 9, 0
ps_midship, 19.5, -9, 0
sb_midship, 19.5, 9, 0


Defines one or more buoyancy shapes

# Name, resource, off-x, off-y, off-z, rot-x, rot-y, rot-z, scale-x, scale-y, scale-z,invert-normals
Hull,res: P41/p41.obj,0,0,0,90,0,0,1,1,1,false


Defines one or more visuals

# Name, resource, off-x, off-y, off-z, rot-x, rot-y, rot-z, scale-x, scale-y, scale-z,
Hull,res: visual.obj,0,0,0,90,0,0,1,1,1,


This defined the weight and inertia of the barge. Inertia is only used when doing dynamics.

# This defined the weight and inertia of the barge. Inertia is only used when doing dynamics.
# Name,mass [mT],Cog-x,Cog-y,Cog-z,Fp-elevation,aft,front,sb,ps,rxx,ryy,rzz,


Optionally add additional wind-areas to the vessel:

# name ,point x,y,z, area [m2], normal x, y,z, Cd, kind
# 	kind is either of the following: plane, sphere or cylinder
#		Location		A	Normal		Cd		kind	
Area1	164		0	18	384	0	1	0	1.2		plane
Area51	144		0	18	96	0	1	0	1.0		cylinder


See attachments for more information

# Attachements
# Attachements are defined in two steps
# 1. Attachment types: These define the things that can be attached and gives them a name (WHAT)
# 2. Attachment locations: This defines WHERE the attachements may be attached
@ATT: Stability pontoon 15x3x4   # This is the NAME of an attachement type, @ATT: signals that this section is an attachment
class, Component                    , # This is the node-class. In this case the attachement is a "Component"
path, res: SP/pontoon_15x3x4.dave   , # These are properties of the node. All properties are supported.
z, -2.5                               , # place the component at z=-2 below the connection point
# , ,                                   In this case we set the 'path' property of the component to load the asset
@ATT: Jacket on deck (loose!)  # This is the NAME of an attachement type, @ATT: signals that this section is an attachment
class, Component                    , # This is the node-class. In this case the attachement is a "Component"
path, res: foundation.dave   , # These are properties of the node. All properties are supported.
# , ,                                   In this case we set the 'path' property of the component to load the asset
*Attachments, # We now define the places where the stability pontoon can be placed
# Name,                  Target, posx, posy, posz, rotx, roty, rotz, attachments
Stability pontoon on ps, self  , 10  ,  9 ,2.5,     , 0,0,0, Stability pontoon 15x3x4
Stability pontoon on sb, self  , 10  ,  -9,2.5,       0,0,180, Stability pontoon 15x3x4
On deck                , self  , 50  ,  0,4,       0,0,0, Stability pontoon 15x3x4, Jacket on deck (loose!)