Rigging Analysis#
The Rigging Analysis
node is used setup a rigging analysis. It defines the required factors and offers some solvers to optimize the design.
CoG variations#
CoG variations only work on a single body. So if a composition of bodies is lifted the variation can only be applied on one of them.
Rigging analysis#
Adding watches to the lifted object
[future: ] Automatic optimizing of rigging item lengths
Dual crane#
Auto leveling of second hoist
Adding limits to the rigging items using global factors
Skipping the bending reduction calculation over specific items#
It is possible to ignore certain members (Circles, Roundbars, Points) when calculating the bending losses of an item. This is done by giving these members a tag.
What the tags is that you want to have ignored is specified here. It can be a tag expression.
The default tag for this, which may already be used in imported items such as lifting beam edges, is SKIP_BENDING_REDUCTION
The RiggingAnalysis
Node is a pure-python node. Each Scene can have at most one single RiggingAnalysis
Partial Safety Factors are stored per SlingGrommet.