Scene and nodes#
A node is an item or element in a model. For example a ship or a force. A Scene is a collection of nodes.
The common way of working is as follows:
Create a scene
Add nodes to it
Nodes are added to the scene using .new_nodetype() where nodetype is the type of the node. Each node has a unique name. This is always needs to be provided to the .new_node function. A complete list of node types and corresponding functions is provided later.
s = Scene() # create an empty scene
s.new_point('point 1') # creates a poi with name anchor
s.new_point('point 2', position = (10,0,0)) # create a second poi at x=10
s.new_cable('line',endA = 'point 1', endB = 'point 2')
# creates a cable between the two points
s.save_scene(r'test.dave') # save to file
Nodes in a scene can be referenced by either name or by reference. The .new_nodetype() functions return a reference to the newly created node.
s = Scene()
a = s.new_axis('axis')
# a is now a reference to node 'axis'
p1 = s.new_point('poi_1', parent = a ) # refer by reference
p2 = s.new_point('poi_2', parent = 'axis' ) # refer by name
A reference to a node can also be obtained from the scene using square brackets:
s = Scene()
a = s['axis']
Apart from methods to create nodes, Scene also harbours functionality to delete, import, re-order and export nodes.
Creating scenes#
A Scene is not a singleton. Multiple scenes can exist next to eachother.
A new and empty Scene can be created as follows:
s = Scene()
where s
can be anything, for example my_scene
but s is nice and short which is usefull as it will be used a lot.
Optionally a filename can be provided to the constructor. In that case that file will be imported.
my_vessel = Scene('path/to/my_vessel.dave')
It is also possible to create a (deep) copy of a scene. This is done as follows:
copy_of_scene = Scene(copy_from = other_scene)
Adding content#
Nodes can be added to the scene using the s.new_point, s.new_axis, etc.. functions which were introduced in the previous section.
Multiple nodes can be imported from file or directly from another Scene object using Scene.load_scene()
or Scene.import_scene()
Note: Beware of name-conflicts when importing. The Scene.import_scene
provides the option to add a prefix to names of imported nodes.
Access nodes#
A list of nodes is maintained as the ._nodes property of a scene. It is advised not to use this directly.
Obtaining a reference to a single node can be done using its name:
node = s['node_name']
This is the reason why all node names should be unique. To get a list of all available node names use Scene.print_node_tree()
It is also possible to:
Get all nodes of a type, use :
Get all nodes that depend on a node :
Get all child nodes :
Deleting nodes#
Removing nodes can be tricky due to nodes depending on eachother. For example deleting a poi which is also used a endpoint for a cable will cause problems for that cable. The same applies to axis systems with nodes on it (children)
can be used to delete all nodes from a scene.
To delete a single node there are two options:
. This deletes a node from the scene. All nodes that depend on this node will be deleted as well.Scene.dissolve(node)
. This “evaporates” the node. Attempts to maintain child nodes. Often used in combination with the containerize option ofScene.import_scene
Saving or exporting#
The standard file-format for saving DAVE scenes and nodes is vanilla python.
The contents of a Scene can be save using Scene.save_scene(filename)
. The python code to re-create the scene can be obtained using Scene.give_python_code()
Solving static equilibrium is done using Scene.solve_statics()
. If there is a static equilibrium condition then this function will attempt to find it by changing the non-fixed degrees of freedom of the scene.
A goal-seek function is available: Scene.goal_seek()