File format#
The standard file-format for saving DAVE scenes and nodes is vanilla python.
When loading a model or asset from a file into a scene the contents of that file are executed in the python interpreter. In the interpreter a variable s
available which refers to the current scene.
This makes it possible to define DAVE models in a very flexible way as arbitrary code can be executed when importing the model. Importing a model into DAVE is basically the same as running a file, so beware of the involved security implications.
Standard directory#
By default DAVE will try to create a subfolder “DAVE_models” in the users HOME folder (%homepath% in windows, ~ in linux). This folder will be used for storing temporary files, the log file, and as default save location for assets and models.
DAVE creates auto-save files in the following folder:
The auto-save file names have the following syntax: autosave_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_PID.dave where the first part is the time-stamp of the moment that the file was first created and PID is the process id of the DAVE instance that created the file.
For example: